Friday, 14 June 2019

Our Club Day on Thursday June 6th was well attended by our members.

We continued working on our craft, and enjoyed seeing 2 cushions woven by Evelyn.
the wool was spun by Lin and Vallory, from fleece wool donated to the club.

detail of woven fabric for cushions
The club's correspondence was discussed and of note was the dates for the NZ Creative Fibre Education Event for 2020. This will be held in Nelson, May 7th to May 10th, 2020, at the Trafalgar Centre. Save the dates - interest was strong from our members to attend.

Otago Association sent a newsletter full of information and reports from other Otago groups.

Also Show & Tell included silk knitting, baby singlets, a shawl, Lin's "bitsy" yarn and more...

Plans were made to attend the Otago S&W Assn focus day in Mosgiel on the 8th. The focus is to be
on Weaving, but any craft can be done on the day.

Next Social Day is Monday the 17th June, then Sunday 23rd, with Club Day on July 4th.

Happy crafting.

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