Friday, 7 June 2019

Big Gap I know but LIFE....

Yesterday was Club Day - always the 1st Thursday of the month -

we chatted and knitted and spun-

also discussed the funds, the correspondence and coming events...

Show and Tell and a Sales Table, busy day.

Evelyn's fabric

This is a fabric woven by Evelyn - from spinning done by Lin and Vallory (I think)
It is from the Quarter Century old fleece donated to our club...
Made into some superb cushions,

close up of Warp spun wool, Weft "bits' spun wool
the 'bits' refers to Lin adding, as she spins, all the bits, the "rubbish" from your carding.

Next we are going to the Otago Focus day on Saturday 8th June,
Social Monday is 17th June, and Social Sunday is the 23rd.
happy spinning around

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