Sunday, 25 April 2021

Natural Dyeing in April

 Autumn is usually the time we think of dyeing, this year we managed to find lots more to do...

I managed to find Ivy, Quince, Yarrow, and Blackberry to try all in one pot, I added 2 tea bags
and a cotton top... (top mordanted in copper sulphate and citic acid)

At our Saturday get together we dyed lots of samples using Silver Dollar gum leaves,
Avocado stones, Birch bark, Grapes, Geranium

Maureen got some lovely colours dyeing her Natural coloured wools...

Mandy and Beth started us all off on a Black Bean spending spree....
This is Mandy's blue, from soaking black beans in water!!!!

and then at our next social day, we had many VARIED black bean colours to share!

Happy Dyeing...

Christine Bennett

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