Wednesday, 2 November 2022

A good day was had at the Gore Open Day...

 Gore had their postponed day, from last year, in October 2022

One of our members, Barbara Bennett, at their stall, with their wares.

 Happy crafting

Saturday, 14 May 2022

our first May Day...

 Here are some photos from our Thursday Club Day,

happy crafting

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Social Day March 2022...

 A small and social group met yesterday for Social Day..

here is some of what they got up to - knitting, crochet, inkle weaving and carding.

Inkle weaving

colour blending on carder

Happy crafting

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Our Sales Page updated - just in time for Christmas...

 Here on our blog we have a Sales page

it has been updated with items just in time for Christmas

Have a look and get in touch...

link is at top right of our page

or click here

Details will 'disappear' as they are sold - still some woolly hats to add!!!

Happy crafting,

and a happy holiday season.

Christmas display in Balclutha...

 Among the many cancellations and postponements, here's a good idea...

decorate for Christmas to showcase your group or cause.

So keep an eye open when shopping in Balclutha....

Happy crafting

Sunday, 14 November 2021

November - a Fibre reactive day...

 We had a productive dyeing day yesterday - learning about Drimalan powder dyes - 

which are Fibre reactive dyes....  now, what to make with it....?


Weaving in October

 Balclutha was very lucky to Host a Travelling Tutor on Weaving for a Weekend in October...

Happy crafting...

September report...

 By September we were recovered from hosting the Exhibition, and were out of lockdown in time for our Social Saturday...

No photos sorry, but here is a pic of an entry in Wool a former club member Elaine Wells,

Wool On was on the Exact same time as our Exhibition in Balclutha, in August....
you can see more at

Happy crafting...

August was our Combined Exhibition at Creative Arts Centre...

Here is a report from one of our members....

I had the pleasure this year of being able to help with the setting up of the Creative Arts group Balclutha exhibition. The South Otago Spinners and Weavers were responsible for organising this year's show. We are fortunate to have a very active President and Secretary who know the district well and are well connected. A lot of behind the scenes went on well beforehand, with advertising in the form of creating new billboards which were placed strategically in the entrance and exit of Balclutha. 

Members of the Spinners and Weavers group were tasked with making object d'art for the Sales Table, and also distributing pamphlets advertising the Exhibition, to the local stores around South Otago, and Dunedin. This year's show would be well advertised. 

The Exhibition was ultimately set up by the Spinner and Weavers, some of them doing it for the first time.

How does one go about displaying every exhibit item to its best advantage and bear in mind 3 other groups would also be displaying; Art, Embroidery and Patchworkers. A good part of 2 days was spent with 108 items for display.

Two Guest Artists were also asked to display;

our very own member, from Lawrence, who had a remarkable display on natural dyes and samples of hand knitted garments incorporating these dyes. Mrs Dorothy Coburn has been an active member for many, many years, her skills in this craft are inspiring given her age. Her display was met with many people exclaiming over the dye results and astonishment at the different colours to be achieved.

Angela Meecham from Lawrence, is a gifted felter which she showed to advantage with her display of unique hats. This is another very skilled craftsperson. Her display was amazing and was well received with the audience.

The Exhibition was open for 5 days in mid August, with  approx 200 visitors. Overall a great success.

Happy crafting.

Monday, 12 July 2021

Club Day July

 Our Club day involved plenty of chat and activity...

Planning is well under way for the Exhibition in August,

Items are being made for Exhibit and also for the 'shop' part - the last few year's has seen the new tradition of a shop - with handcrafted items for sale - usually at very reasonable prices.

This year we, the Spinners and Weavers group have been making cushions, bags, mitts, hats, Xmas decorations, garments and much more. It is always a surprise what comes in from the four groups (Art, Embroidery and Patchwork are the other three.)

 See you there, 11-15th August 2021 10 -4.30

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Weaving in Canberra...

 One of our members is visiting Canberra, Australia

and has share these pics of a Weaving exhibition she attended...

by the Canberra Spinners and Weavers inc

happy crafting

Monday, 26 April 2021

Spinning in May...

 We are looking forward to welcoming a Spinning Tutor in May...

Jenny Hart, from the top of the South Island, is coming to Mosgiel and Balclutha,

to tutor in Spinning and Knitting,

Our class is being held on the Monday, 17th May from 10am.

we (I) chose "Spinning Multi-coloured Samples"

so we can learn about colour.

please contact me if you would like to attend,

 it is $10 for CF members, $20 for public.

 a 3 hr class, with lunch in-between.

email me at